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Interface Devices and Controllers

VMEbus Repeater 2000

Hve Engineering, Inc.

VMEbus Repeater 2 is a transparent realtime hardware bridge betweencompatible VMEbus architectures. It enables the upgrade or expansion ofexisting systems, without costly redesign time. Features include:Simply plug Repeater 2's primary board into the main chassis and thesecond board into the expansion chassis and power up the system. That'sall there is to it.Build multiple systems, network existing systems, or build huge parallelsystems. No matter how much a 32-bit computer system is expanded, thebidirectional Repeater 2 will always be transparent.Repeater 2 utilizes six-layer stripline construction techniques and ASand FAST technology. This enables the Repeater 2 to support anintersystem transfer rate as high as 30 Mbps.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Dual-width to triple-width VME adapter board
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2

Hve Engineering, Inc.
2941 Corvin Dr
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 738-1600
        (800) TRANSL-8
Fax: 408-738-8229